好词好句 造句 发布时间:2017-05-20 16:10:55
1、该员工平时工作认真,有高效率、高质量的工作表现,且在日常 生活中能与其他同事团结友爱,互助进取。
This employee works carefully. And he works with high efficiency and remarkable achievements. And in his daily life, he has a sense of solidarity and progress with other colleagues.
The employee works carefully, earnestly and responsibly。Not only executive power is strong, but also the working cooperation degrees are well. Work with remarkable achievements and set a good example to us.
3、该员工积极向上,配合度好,平时工作表现很努力,在工作时能 以认真、仔细、负责的心态做好自己的工作。
The employee works positively and has a good cooperation degree. performance is very hard. Peacetime work At work, he can do his work with carefulness and responsible attitude.
4、该员工工作努力、认真,成果显着,工作态度端正并能及时完成 工作任务, 深受领导好评!
employee is serious and hard-working. The His achievement is remarkable. He can finish the working task in time with decorous working attitude. So he gets a high praise from leadership.
5、该员工作为搅拌室员工,积极进取,工作成果显着,多次得到该 部 门 班 长 的 好 评。
As a mixing room worker, he works with remarkable achievements and gets good praise from his monitor often.
6、该员工在工作上勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨,认真负责,工作能力也在 学习中不断提高,关心同事,非常值得大家学习。
This employee is diligent, hard-working, serious and responsible on his work. And his ability also constantly improves in the studying process. He always cares about others. As such a great employee he extremely worth us to learn.
7、该员工工作努力,成果显着,按时完成工作任务,跟同事相处融 洽,且上班的纪律很好,值得各位同事学习。
This employee works hard, and with remarkable achievements. She can finish the tasks on time. He gets well with others well. Work discipline is very good, worth everyone learning.
8、该员工作为经理特别助理,工作态度认真负责,能认真完成经理 交代的各项任务,并能应对各种突发状况,其工作得到了领导的 认可, 值得各位同事学习。
special assistant to manager, this clerk’s As work manner is responsible earnestly. She can complete various task that the manager gives and can reply various emergencies. Her work wins recognition from leadership and worth every colleague learning.
9、该员工工作成绩进步大,悟性较强,能很快适应新的岗位,能随 时根据工作需要调整工作方法和端正心态,不断反思自己,能有 效改进自己的工作方式, 从而在工作中收到良好效果。
This staff has made a great progress and has acute and deep perception and even can quickly adapt to the new post. She can adjust the working method and correct attitude at any time. She also can continuously rethink herself and even change her work way effectively thus gets a good effect in working.
10、该员工工作认真负责,积极主动,能完全胜任本职工作,爱岗敬 业,乐于助人,与同事相处融洽善于合作。
staff works carefully The and seriously in positive attitude. She can be equal to her job and do her job very well. She is always getting ready to help others. So she gets along so well with others and good cooperation with others.
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