好词好句 祝福语 发布时间:2017-05-14 10:49:59
1、We part and meet in the vast sea of faces but I wish our friendship would increase with the passing years,transcending time and space.
2、Sweet and pleasant songs are always sung for you;joy and happiness will embrace you forever.On this special day of yours,please accept my sincere blessings.
3、The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well and doing well whatever you do.Congratulations on your success!
4、Congratulations, graduate.May all your dreams and plans turn to fulfillment and success.
5、Presenting to you my yearning and blessing together with colorful flowers I pick for you,I wish you peace all round,and may joy remain on your face and luck travel with you all together!
6、Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part,and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure,from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
7、Congratulations on the new baby!May the precious new life bring you a world of happiness.
8、Congratulations on your Success!
9、The greatest success is successful self-acceptance.
10、Best wishes and congratulations on your graduation.
11、Suspicion is the poison of friendship.
12、Friendship is like wine--the older the better.
13、Needless to express your good wishes or say goodbye.Silence is enough--leaving dreams to the night,tears to the sea,and hopes to the future.
14、Permit me to congratulate you on your graduation! I hope the future will bring you further success and a whole world of happiness.
15、A cool gentle breeze is blowing as the moon rises high in the sky.I open the book of my life only to find our friendship recorded at every page!
16、I am very delighted to hear you have successfully passed the high school certificate examination.As one of your intimate friends, I feel very proud of you and have a smack of your happiness.
17、Our hearts are always warmed by true friendship.All the yearning,all my blessings go to you.May this day of yours be filled with joy and beauty!
18、We are very happy to extend to you our utmost congratulations on your finishing your college course so successfully.May you enter a more successful life and the future years bring you continued happiness.
19、It was delightful news for me to learn that you have received a Doctor's Degree from Chicago University.To have reached this milestone at a young age is simple great.I really envy you the opportunities that lie ahead.Hearty congratulations.
20、Meet to part,and part to meet again.As the autumn wind sweeps the vast wilderness, we are together only once in a year.I cherish our friendship in mind,I still more expect to be with you again.
21、Upon your departure I present you with a bunch of flowers.The flower is my smile and the green leaves are my evergreen yearning.
22、It's wonderful to know that you have completed the dream of a lifetime.I wish you every success in the future!
23、Let me offer you my warmest congratulations upon the arrival of your son.I hear he is just like his father.
24、Have you ever thought of me, my friend--when the golden rays of the setting sun vanish in the garden flourishing with grass and flowers, when the moon rises above the horizon shedding cold and clear right?
25、The possibility of enhancing one's knowledge is limitless.Graduation only marks a stage of one's education.Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments.
26、I'm hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new start.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.
27、Here's to the happy graduate for the job you have already done.And here's a happy future that is a most successful one.I pray you will as soon as possible make your name known in the world.
28、The little flower placed in between the leaves of the book has withered and become yellow,but the flower of friendship blooms permanently in our hearts,sending fragrance quietly.
29、Graduation is not only an end to a period, also a commencement of a new period and I hope that future years will bring you continued happiness.
30、It is such a pleasure to congratulate you on your graduation.Whatever you dream for,whatever you hope to achieve may come true with your effort in the future. Remember that nothing is out of your reach if only you first believe.
31、Congratulations to you and every good wish for your success and happiness in your new position.
32、Congratulations on your promotion.We know that the honour has been solely on the ground of personal merits.
33、May you have health, happiness and outstanding success in all your ventures.
34、A friend is a present which you give yourself.
35、Sincere congratulations on your graduation from the Graduate School of Chemistry of……University.We have heard of the excellent record you made in your studies.We are very proud of you and avail ourselves of this opportunity to extend to you our best wishes for your bright future and happiness.
36、Best wishes and sincere congratulations on your graduation.May this special day be the commencement of the continued series of upward steps to further success.
37、May an old friend express his pride in your accomplishment and extend to you a wish for your continued success and happiness.
38、I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
39、It is your graduation day.Please accept my best wishes for your bright future.
40、Heartiest congratulations upon your graduation.Wishing you all the excitement, all the challenge, all the happiness life call hold.
41、Congratulations on your graduation from the notable university with honour.I'm hopeful and confident,too,that the graduation ceremonies will really be a commencement and that satisfying and rewarding experiences await you.祝贺你以优异的成绩从着名大学毕业!我真诚地期望并深信,毕业仪式只是你美好人生的开端,更令人满意、更加灿烂的前程将等待着你。
42、Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy and best wishes to all of you for a world of happiness in the years ahead!
43、Graduation is a time for rejoining and is also a time for reflection.You will be going out into the world to make a career for yourself.Wish you well in all your understandings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
44、A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother.

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